At least this year's call wasn't nearly as bad as last year's! There I was, sitting in the basement of the Rackham building with my group, working on our presentation for our Neuroscience class next week, when my phone rang and an unfamiliar number popped up. Turns out it was the school nurse at my son's school, calling from the clinic where the boy was sitting with ice on his head. Apparently, his head collided with another student's knee while the class was gathering for reading time. Tears ensued, as did a trip to the clinic for ice and the requisite call to Mom.
I told the nurse that it was much better than the call I received from school the previous fall, when the boy couldn't stop in time while playing freeze-tag in gym, and crashed face-first into a light switch. That time there was a nosebleed, and a light switch-shaped cut on his forehead, and bruises. He has a sort of mini-Harry Potter scar now, only it isn't quite shaped like a lightning bolt - more like an upside-down T right in the middle of his forehead.
This is a tradition I can do without!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Yes, that light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train...
Okay, it's been a couple of months since my last post (again!). I finished Tour de Fleece pretty well, with 5 finished skeins of yarn:
That's two skeins of BFL on the right, spun on my wheel; the pink Romney next to them is my first-skein of spindle-spun, so I am inordinately proud of it, even though I find it a bit scratchy; next to that is another skein of spindle-spun from a mixed batt of Falkland, merino, alpaca, and mohair - it was a bear to keep even, but turned out really pretty. The last one is a skein of Lisa Souza Wensleydale that I spun on the wheel, and it is lovely (maybe a tad overspun, but lovely nonetheless) and almost laceweight. Here's one more picture collage of all of them:
They also had an exhibit of glass sculpture by Dale Chihuly while we were there (that was actually the primary reason I wanted to go - we've seen the horse before, but the glass was a limited time exhibit). It's there through the end of September, 2010. Very cool.
Whine, whine, why yes, I would love some cheese to go with it.
And yet, I know I will really enjoy it, once I get the time management thing down. I've never been very good at that.
Just needed to vent for a minute. I'm okay now - going back to studying, since I have two quizzes this week and I still need to make a grocery list to go shopping tomorrow and do laundry. G'night.
In other news, the boy and I drove to Grand Rapids a couple of weeks ago to visit Fredrick Meijer Gardens with my mom. It's a pretty cool place, and if you live within reasonable driving distance of Grand Rapids, Michigan, it's well worth the trip - especially if you have kids. The children's garden is really cool, and the other item well worth seeing is the Da Vinci Horse. The boy loves it.
. . . . like these.
Also, since it's September, my son started 5th grade last week, and I started my master's program the week before that, and I already feel like I've been hit by that train! I shouldn't even be taking the time to post this, but I needed the break from studying and reading and taking notes and filling out forms, and the semester is only two weeks old.
Whine, whine, why yes, I would love some cheese to go with it.
And yet, I know I will really enjoy it, once I get the time management thing down. I've never been very good at that.
Just needed to vent for a minute. I'm okay now - going back to studying, since I have two quizzes this week and I still need to make a grocery list to go shopping tomorrow and do laundry. G'night.
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