Well, we made it past the holidays intact! I finished the mittens I was working on for my friends, and they were successfully gifted last Sunday. I wish I'd gotten pictures of the recipients wearing them (Scott said he would never take his off - I think that might eventually get awkward, but it's not up to me), but here are pics of the finished products anyway:
These are a Brooklyn Tweed pattern by Jared Flood (love Jared's patterns!) called Strago (Ravelry link). They are made out of alpaca, and the pattern was just perfect for my friend Mark.
Now I'm working on a scarf for my husband's aunt to give to a friend of hers as a birthday gift. It's going slowly, probably because I would rather be working on something for myself! But, she is paying for this scarf, so it would be a good thing if I were to finish it quickly.
We are going to a family birthday party tomorrow - we always celebrate the birthdays that are grouped close together at one party, so the aforementioned aunt (whose birthday was yesterday), my sister-in-law (whose birthday is tomorrow), and I (my birthday is Tuesday) are celebrating tomorrow. Should be fun.
That's all for now - hope your year is starting out well!