Knitting is what has been keeping me sane - if I wore slogan t-shirts anymore (haven't worn them in years), I would definitely want the one that says "I knit so I don't kill people." So true!
I've been a shawl knitting machine this year - I joined a shawl knitting group on Ravelry - 12 Shawls Forever - and am trying to knit 12 shawls over the course of the year. I'm close - I have 9 completely done and blocked, one being bound off currently, and 2 on the needles. We shall see if I can manage to finish the last 2 before the end of the year!

The boy's Bar Mitzvah was last month, and it went very well. I was kind of sad because my little sister had some health issues and couldn't come out for it, but I'd rather she stay healthy than get on a plane when she is already not well, so we dealt with it. Hard to believe that he is 13 already - it seems like just yesterday he was my (not so) little baby, and here he is almost as tall as me and reading Hebrew like a pro.
He did such a great job! I wanted all my family and friends to be there to see him!
I'll try to post some knitting pictures soon - I have a bunch of new stuff on my Rav project page, and a pattern for fingerless mitts that I have been working on (off and on) for a while now that I really need to finish! I think this will be one that I actually charge for - I hope people like it! It's a very textural fabric, inspired by the rocky shoreline of Lake Huron at the camp we go to every summer with our synagogue.
I'm currently working on getting the cuff just right, but they are hibernating right now, while I try to finish up my shawls and some holiday gift knitting (other fingerless mitts for my niece in Phoenix). Soon, my pretties. Soon.