Friday, April 2, 2010

I'm In!

As many of you (as if I actually have readers!) may already know, I got into the graduate program at Wayne State! I got my acceptance letter on March 3rd, and I was so excited when I opened the e-mail that I screamed! My son and husband were in the kitchen, and they thought I had seen a mouse or something to make me shriek like a like a little girl. When I told my son that seeing a mouse wouldn't make Mommy scream, his response was "It would if it ran up your leg." So, I stand corrected.

Did I mention that they only accepted 37 students out of 240 applicants? Oh, yeah.

I had to tamp down my enthusiasm for a couple of weeks, however, until my friend Joyce got her acceptance as well, because I didn't want to rub salt in her wait-listed wound. But her acceptance came last week (as I kept assuring her that it would), so we will go through the program together. That will be fun!

This semester is almost over - only 3 weeks left, plus finals on April 29th. Our group presentation in Speech Science was yesterday morning, and I was a little stressed about it, but it actually went pretty well (we ran about 15 minutes longer that we should have, but the professor didn't seem to mind). I believe I've mentioned my opinion of group projects before, but everyone in the group really pulled their weight, and even though I volunteered to put together the actual slide show and type the handouts, Joyce printed and stapled and bought the candy for the prizes (we had a quiz and game after), and I didn't feel like anyone was overly put upon to complete it. It was a good balance of work and a great end product!

In other news, my grand-niece turned one a couple of weeks ago, and we went to Lansing for her birthday and my mom's birthday (I won't mention what age she turned!), and that was really nice. My niece will be going away to graduate school soon too, probably to U-C Santa Barbara or University of Texas at Austen. She hasn't decided yet. And I'll miss her when she goes, even though I don't get to see her often as it is. She lives only about 1 1/2 hours away, and it feels like I can see her whenever I want now.

And, for my little sister's birthday at the end of February, I put together a digital photo album, by scanning in all the old pictures I had of her when she was a child and teenager. I inherited all my dad's old photos, and she has none of them, so she has no pictures of her childhood. It really brought back some memories, I have to say. I had a little trouble dating some of them, but for the most part, I remembered when and where they were taken, and recognized most of the people in them. So, in honor of spring, I bring you my little sister and me in our Sunday best, circa 1973 or '74:

Happy Spring!

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