Took my last final today, and my first semester of grad school is now history! I'm just glad that I can relax for a couple of weeks, do a little knitting (still have a mitten to finish before Christmas, a scarf to finish for my husband's aunt before January, and a second sock for myself that I started back in September), read a few trashy novels, and maybe organize some bookshelves. Not too ambitious. Oh, and put together my clinical portfolio. Can't forget that.
I'm not even going to stress over grades (although I do know that I did not 4.0 this semester - I have at least one B+. I'll live.
I think I want to make some cashew brittle tonight, after the boy and I decorate the Christmas tree (which we still have to buy). And I need to make sure that his big gift actually works. (Don't tell him, but his cousin in Phoenix sent us his Wii, because he never uses it anymore, so that's the boy's big gift this year and I didn't have to spend $200. My nephew totally rocks!) Other than that, Christmas will be light this year.
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