Monday, July 5, 2010

Tour de Fleece 2010

I've decided to participate in the Tour de Fleece - yeah, it's a last minute thing. I'm all about the last minute. Anyway, my goals for the Tour are pretty modest, but I think they're attainable
  • Finish a couple of spinning WIPs I have going

  • Get more consistent with my drop spindle

  • Finish my first skein of spindled yarn (2-ply)

And that's all of them! I would have added one about spinning the dog fluff I have from last spring when my niece's dogs were staying with us, but I don't have any carders to process it yet.

So, here is my first progress picture:

I've been working on that pink Romney batt since last August, when I got my first drop spindle in a swap. It's been sitting for months, and I hardly ever pull it out because I'm so comfortable on the wheel that I almost always turn to it when I want to spin. But I can take the drop spindle with me, so I really want to get comfortable on it as well for traveling.

I got 4 oz. of the undyed BFL in a swap last summer sometime, and I just started spinning it up last month, but its been sitting for a couple of weeks and I don't want to let it sit too long. So this is 2 oz of it (I think - I didn't weigh it before I started, but there are about 2 oz left). I'm going to spin the last 2 oz on another bobbin and see how close I can get to even with them.

I'm really enjoying spinning both these fibers - when they are going well, they go really well! And the BFL is especially nice!